What we do:

  • Markenentwicklung / Markenschärfung/ Markenführung
  • Customer Journeys
  • Strategieentwicklung
  • Imagekampagnen online und offline
  • Jubliäumskampagne
  • Kurzfilme
  • Online Medienplanung

KU Linz – Image campaign


The KU Linz is one of the most traditional universities in Linz. The spectrum of subjects with theology, philosophy and art studies is a unique combination for the students. With a sharpening of the brand as well as image campaigns, the level of awareness increased and the position is strengthened.

Our solution

In Candidate Journeys with active students of the faculties, the motives for studying at KU Linz were determined. Based on these insights, content and measures for the respective fields of study could be strategically defined.


“Many roads lead to the KU” – in our creative concept according to this motto, we lead the viewers on different routes to the place of knowledge expansion at the KU.


For the online presence, we developed sujets for banner ads, native ads and social media. The implementations convey the study content in a creative way and stimulate thinking.


The sujets of the campaign were realized with students and employees of the university.


For the 350th anniversary, we developed posters, posterlights and citylights under the title “KU_biläum”, which drew attention to the varied range of courses offered and were displayed at central locations in Linz and Leonding.


On top of that, the KU_biläum will be celebrated with an eleven parted event series, for which we created the program folder as part of the campaign.